Breathing in the Beauty of Music even before coming into the world explains the desire that since childhood exploded punctually when W.A.Mozart music was heard or performed at home: The genius of his music drew Emmanuel into a joyous so overflowing and dragging as to see appear before him a festive orchestra at whose invitation to conduct it he could not hold back. Thus was born the desire to conduct an orchestra.
The instrument that concretely allowed us to enter the mystery of such Beauty was the absolute privilege of Growing up with masters and godparents Eddy Perpich and Lucia Passaglia: I violin study unearthed the talent who glows at every ever-changing detail of musical language.
Later, the desire to conduct still comes back strongly, fostered by an acquired musical physiognomy and the experience of conducting one’s own music, but it is The meeting with M^Renzetti that marks as a “point of no return”: just two days of his schooling and the “William Tell” overture are enough to put him in a condition Emmanuel on June 23, 2022 to recognize the extreme expressiveness of one’s heart Through the hint of gesture.
The whole road traveled is a vocation, a calling that finds its focus and synthesis in conducting.